Monday, 18 July 2016

Putting bums on seats - how hard can that be?

Hosting an event can be scary. What if nobody comes? Or worse… what if only four or five people come? Empty rooms are horrid. Nearly empty rooms are worse because that just amplifies how useless your marketing has been, and now there are ‘some’ people who know that…at least with an empty room there’s nobody to see your failure.
Putting on an event that fails can affect many things like your self confidence, your reputation within your business community and even your pocket; not only will you have paid for the room hire and amenities but you will have put many hours into preparation and planning, hours that you can never get back.
So just how do you get those magical numbers to attend your event?
You do it by calling all of your invitees and telling them how wonderful the event is going to be, about the benefits they will get from attending and how great the networking is going to be for them.
And if you’re not confident about picking up the telephone and actually speaking to these people, look at these five tips below:
1.   Make sure the people you call have already opted in to your mailing list so you are covered with the legalities for calling them.

2.   Smile before you dial, always have a positive mental attitude

3.   Know your facts, plan your call – prepare a script and practise it
4.   Make sure you are speaking to the decision maker and not the monkey.  
5.   Remember to explain to the invitee exactly why they will benefit being at your event.
(We strongly recommend that you verify your data through TPS – Telephone Preference Service)  

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